What to look for on the car insurance contract
Before choosing his car insurance contract among all the offers on the market, it is first necessary to define his needs. Once the needs have been clearly identified, it is necessary to compare the different products offered according to the guarantees offered (eg fire, theft, breakage of ice, content and additional guarantees).
The amount of the contribution is obviously an important element to be taken into account but which varies according to the desired guarantees.
The comparison of car insurance rates must therefore take into account the differences that may exist between the guarantees and deductibles proposed.
Guarantees for a new vehicle
Your vehicle is new and therefore has a fairly large value.
It is therefore often advisable to take out a "All risks" guarantee that will compensate you for any financial loss related to the occurrence of a loss.
However, pay attention to the indemnity clauses in the event of a claim occurring during the first year, some car insurance contracts plan to compensate you on the basis of the new value of your vehicle, others will apply a "dilapidated" as of the first (See "Convention Value" in your car insurance policy).
Insure a low-value vehicle
You must insure this vehicle at least for the mandatory "civil liability" guarantee.
It is logical that a recent vehicle of value has an interest in being insured in the widest possible way (with "all-risk" type of cover), whereas for an older vehicle the owner can be satisfied with a guarantee Mandatory "civil liability". He will then pay a lower premium but will not be compensated for damage to his own vehicle in the event of a responsible accident.
Specific clause on the remoteness of the home
In addition to the specific questions you need to ask yourself according to your vehicle type, it is recommended to pay attention to the "mileage" deductible that could apply to the "assistance" warranty.
If your car insurance policy provides a warranty for assistance in the event of an accident or even a breakdown, you may not be covered if your vehicle is within a certain kilometer Your home (25, 50, .... km) at the time of your problem.
Insuring a vehicle registered in France abroad
The majority of car insurance contracts provide for a maximum annual period of outside borders (usually three months).
Beyond that, you have to sign a contract in the country concerned and in some cases also have to change your license plates.
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