To have the right to drive with his vehicle, there are several rules: have a driver's license, have a car insurance, be registered and have passed the technical check. Without these four elements you can not drive. Why ? And what is important? If you are not in order, you risk a fine! Explanations.
Administrative documents to be submitted
There will certainly be at least once in your life as a motorist where you will be stopped by police or gendarmerie. Whether it is because you are in violation (speeding or not following the Highway Code), or for a simple check, you must always have the following administrative documents on you or in the glove compartment:
Your Driver's License
The vehicle's gray card
The car insurance certificate (the green card) which is affixed to the windscreen
For vehicles over 4 years old: the technical control badge
Possible fines for failure to submit such documents
If you do not present your papers immediately, or if they are outdated, not up to date, or not compliant, the gendarme may notify you of a fine.
Driver's license or gray card: 75 euros per missing paper
Car insurance certificate: 135 euros
Technical inspection: 600 euros
Of course, if you do not present the missing papers in the 3 (for the technical inspection) to 5 days later (for all other documents) your P.V, these fines will be increased!
So, ride safe, and adhere to the Highway Code!
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