Terminating your car insurance contract is a right you can enjoy, however you will have to follow some rules imposed by the termination.
When to cancel your car insurance?
Several circumstances allow you to terminate your car insurance policy:
When the contract expires, you must respect the two-month notice period and send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. You will no longer be covered by this policy on the due date.
In the event of an increase in the insurance premium (excluding penalty or tax surcharges).
In case of change of vehicle (sale or donation, total destruction, etc.). Send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, the suspension is immediate and the cancellation will take place 10 days after receipt of the letter.
In the event of a change in circumstances (move, matrimonial regime, professional status, etc.). Send a registered letter with AR, the cancellation takes effect 30 days after receipt.
For its part the insurer also has the right to terminate your contract of car insurance, without explanation. However, he must give two months' notice before the due date, except in the case of a claim brought by the insured person intoxicated, in which case the insurer may terminate immediately.
The letter of termination
In order for the cancellation to take effect, we strongly recommend that you send your cancellation letter in registered form with acknowledgment of receipt, which leaves you with proof of your desire to terminate.
Easily download a cancellation letter from your car insurance policy! You can then customize it.
Termination: the Chatel law, to help you
Be aware that a car insurance contract is renewed tacitly, that is to say automatically. So do not miss the opportunity to cancel, in which case the contract is again valid for one year.
However, the Chatel law came into force to help you. Before this law, insurers did not always notify you as your contract expires. The latter are now obliged to keep you informed of your possibility to terminate your contract.
How it works ?
The insurer is obliged to inform you of your right to cancel between 3 months and 15 days before the deadline for cancellation. If the insurer fails to fulfill its obligations, two options are available:
The information reaches you less than 15 days before the termination deadline, you have 20 more days to terminate your car insurance policy
The information is only received after the anniversary date, you have the right to cancel your contract at any time. Learn more here
Your insurance comparator Assurland.com provides you with a completely free cancellation alert service so you never miss the opportunity to cancel!
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